Quote, compare and buy travel insurance


At TheTravelInsurers.com you can quote, compare and buy the perfect Travel Insurance for your trip. With any product you acquire with us you will count with Travel Assistance Services from the best Travel Insurance Companies around the world.

In this site you can choose between more than 450 different Travel Insurance plans, offered by more than 30 of the best supliers in the world.

To help you select the perfect Travel Insurance, we put at your disposal a quotation form, that you can fill with information about your trip. It´s a comparison tool to see all the services and the reach of the Travel Insurance plans that you prefer, and a secure online buying system, so you don't have to leave home to purchase the protection you need.

With over 17 years of experience in our backs, TheTravelInsurers.com offers you the best price-value ratio. All you have to do is trust in us and let us protect you anywhere and anytime.

Quote, compare and buy right now the best coverage for your trip, at the best price on the market!