Claims management

You can direct all your claims to our several contact lines and also ask about how to proceed with them. We'll be happy to answer your requests! Don't hesitate to contact us.

In case of claims or reimbursements for assistance costs you may have paid during your trip, it's essential that you contact the assistance center of the service provider that corresponds to the hired voucher.

Any expense of this kind can be reimbursed if it was previously informed to the hired service provider. In order to comply with this condition, you can contact the hired service provider on your own or we can do it on your behalf!

By completing the form below, you can let us know your personal data: full name, telephone, email, voucher number, ID number and hired service provider. You must also attach the document that proves the expenses you are asking to be reimbursed and a brief account of the facts.

We are ready to clarify any doubt or query you may have. Please complete the form and you'll be contacted in a timely manner.

In case of any kind of queries, you also have the chat contact during all the comparison, quotation and purchase process.

You can send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can contact our customer assistance center 24 hours a day.

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