This insurance consists in one policy that last a whole year long. So if you’re a frequent traveler, this is the protection you need as it will allow you to save a considerable amount of money.
It will always be better to purchase one single, but complete, policy that works perfectly for every trip you make; than to buy new travel insurance each time you get to leave your country.
As with other insurance types, there are different multi trip travel insurance. But in general, most of them consist in a package of protected days you acquire and that’s valid for one year.
Let’s put this example: at the beginning of the year you hire a policy for 90 days. This means that each time you travel the days will be discounted from your package and when you return home, the days remaining will still be available until you use them all.
The full coverages you’ll enjoy of will depend on the company that provides the insurance. But there are some basic services all policies have. Those are:
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